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     FragmentWelcome to consult...ar-enon, which is between Hauran and Damascus; and between Gilead and the land of Israel the Jordan will be the limit, to the east sea, to Tamar. This is the east side.
    Eze 47:19 And the south side to the south will be from Tamar as far as the waters of Meribath-kadesh, to the stream of Egypt, to the Great Sea. This is the south side, on the south.
    Eze 47:20 And the west side will be the Great Sea, from the limit on the south to a point opposite the way into Hamath. This is the west side.
    Eze 47:21 You will make a division of the land among you, tribe by tribe.
    Eze 47:22 And you are to make a distribution of it, by the decision of the Lord, for a heritage to you and to the men from other lands who are living among you and who have children in your land: they will be the same to you as if they were Israelites by birth, they will have their heritage with you among the tribes of Israel.
    Eze 47:23 In whatever tribe the man from a strange land is living, there you are to give him his heritage, says the Lord.
    Eze 48:1 Now these are the names of the tribes: from the north end, from the west on the way of Hethlon to the way into Hamath, in the direction of Hazar-enon, with the limit of Damascus to the north, by Hamath; and on the limit from the east side to the west side: Dan, one part.
    Eze 48:2 And on the limit of Dan, from the east side to the west side: Asher, one part.
    Eze 48:3 And on the limit of Asher, from the east side to the west side: Naphtali, one part.
    Eze 48:4 And on the limit of Naphtali, from the east side to the west side: Manasseh, one part.
    Eze 48:5 And on the limit of Manasseh, from the east side to the west side: Ephraim, one part.
    Eze 48:6 And on the limit of Ephraim, from the east side to the west side: Reuben, one part.
    Eze 48:7 And on the limit of Reuben, from the east side to the west side: Judah, one part.
    Eze 48:8 And on the limit of Judah, from the east side to the west side, will be the offering which you are to make, twenty-five thousand wide, and as long as one of the parts, from the east side to the west side: and the holy place will be in the middle of it.
    Eze 48:9 The offering you will give to the Lord is to be twenty-five thousand long and twenty-five thousand wide.
    Eze 48:10 And for these, that is the priests, the holy offering is to be twenty-five thousand long to the north, ten thousand wide to the west, ten thousand wide to the east and twenty-five thousand long to the south; and the holy place of the Lord will be in the middle of it.
    Eze 48:11 For the priests who have been made holy, those of the sons of Zadok who kept the orders I gave them, who did not go out of the right way when the children of Israel went from the way, as the Levites did,
    Eze 48:12 Even for them will be the offering from the offering of the land, a thing most holy, on the limit of the land given to the Levites.
    Eze 48:13 And the Levites are to have a part of the land equal to the limit of the priests', twenty-five thousand long and ten thousand wide, all of it together to be twenty-five thousand long and twenty thousand wide.
    Eze 48:14 And they are not to let any of it go for a price, or give it in exchange; and the part of the land given to the Lord is not to go into other hands: for it is holy to the Lord.
    Eze 48:15 And the other five thousand, measured from side to side, in front of the twenty-five thousand, is to be for common use, for the town, for living in and for a free space: and the town will be in the middle of it.
    Eze 48:16 And these will be its measures: the north side, four thousand five hundred, and the south side, four thousand five hundred, and on the east side, four thousand five hundred, and on the west side, four thousand five hundred.
    Eze 48:17 And the town will have a free space on the north of two hundred and fifty, on the south of two hundred and fifty, on the east of two hundred and fifty, and on the west of two hundred and fifty.
    Eze 48:18 And the rest, in measure as long as the holy offering, will be ten thousand to the east and ten thousand to the west: and its produce will be for food for the workers of the town."};



